jurnal medical brasovean

nr. 2 / 2018




Calitate, profesionalism, recunoaşterea limitelor

autor: Liliana Rogozea …………………………………………………………………………






Referate generale


Spondiloza cervicala si vertijul: ξntre “mit” şi realitate

Cervical spondylosis and vertigo: between "myth" and reality

autori: Luigi Mărceanu, Elena Bobescu

keywords: cervical spondylosis; vertigo; troubles of balance……………… …………………








Oportunitatea administrării vaccinului meningococic

Opportunity to administer the anti-meningococic vaccine

autori: Elena Mihaela Constantinescu, Cristian - Adrian Constantinescu

keywords: meningococcal disease, specific prophylaxis …….…………………………………








Studii originale



The effect of the critical thinking disposition of critical thinking education in midwifery students
autor: Belgin Yildirim, Şόkran Φzkahraman-Koη

keywords: critical thinking, critical thinking education, midwifery students………………………




Corelaţii ξntre o serie de variabile implicate ξn controlul glicemiei studiu comparativ: copil-adult
Correlations between a series of variables involved in glycemic control - comparative original study: child-adult

autori: Moroianu Lavinia Alexandra, Moroianu Marius, Barbu Raisa Eloise, Nechita Aurel, Voinescu Doina Carina, Moraru Monica, Curis Cecilia  

keywords: diabetes, child, anxiety, depression, psychological factors, glycemic control……










Aspecte privind marketingul fumatului electronic in Romβnia – o problema de sănătate publică

Aspects regarding the marketing of electronic smoking in Romania - a public health problem

autori: Florenţa Bunget-Gologan, Mihaela Dorina Minzat, Liliana Rogozea, Mihaela Badea

keywords: conventional smoking, electronic cigarettes, iQOS, toxicology, oxidative stress………………………………………………………………………………………………










Evaluarea ξn dinamică a profilului de rezistenţă la antibiotice a acinetobacter species la pacienţii din secţia de anestezie şi terapie intensivă

The evaluation in dynamics of the antibiotic resistance profile of acinetobacter species in patients from the intensive care unit

autori: Mihaela Elena Idomir  

keywords: Acinetobacter, infections, antimicrobial resistance. ……………………………











Studiu asupra germenilor implicaţi ξn infecţia ulcerului venos şi problemele terapiei etiologice datorate rezistenţei la antibiotice

Study regarding the germs implicated in venous ulcers infection and the problems of ethiological therapy due to the resistance to antibiotics

autori: Tudorache Roxana, Mihaela Elena Idomir

keywords: varicose ulcers, infections, antimicrobial resistance……………………………










Studii privind gradul de cunoaştere a rolului antioxidant al glutationului ξn rβndul studenţilor din domeniul ştiinţelor vieţii

Studies on the degree of knowledge of the antioxidant role of glutathione between students in the field of life sciences

autor: Mihaela Dorina Minzat, Florenţa Bunget Gologan, Laura Floroian, Gheorghe Coman, Mihaela Badea

keywords: glutathione, oxidative stress, antioxidant…………………………………………











Tratamentul infecţiilor urinare asociate la pacienţii cu enterocolită cu clostridium difficile - o provocare?

Treatment of urinary tract infections associated to patients with clostridium difficile colitis – a challenge?

autori: Cocuz Maria-Elena, Cocuz Iuliu-Gabriel

keywords: Clostridium difficile infection, urinary tract infection, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae …………………………………………………………………………











The vision issues and related factors of children residing in two provinces in western Turkey

autor: Nukhet Kirag, Adile Tumer   

keywords: child, health, parents, vision, eye, Turkey…………………………………………





Formularea unui unguent bioactiv cu aloe vera şi bacterii lactice

Topical formulation with bioactive components from aloe vera and lactic acid bacteria

autori: Găureanu (Boev)Monica, Maftei Nicoleta-Maricica, Bahrim Gabriela-Elena

keywords: topic use, ointment, aloe vera extract, probiotics ………………………………





Cazuri clinice



Cardiomiopatie hipertrofică la un pacient asimptomatic - prezentare de caz

Asymptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – case report

autori: Alina Bisoc, Larisa Alexandra Vlădău

keywords: non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, young patient, no symptoms …





Abces tiroidian cu fistulă cervicală persistent㠖 prezentare de caz

Thyroid abscess with persistant cervical fistula – case report

autori: Cristina Radoi, Petre VH Botianu, Gabriela Botianu, Adela Nechifor-Boila

keywords: thyroid abscess, chronic cervical fistula ……………………………………………





Diagnosticul unei formaţiuni tumorale cervicale la sugar: poate fi o capcana?

Diagnosis of a cervical mass in an infant: a potential pitfall?

autori: Laura Larisa Dracea, Daniela Mariana Vodă, Şerban Rogoz, Carmen Pascu, Nicoleta Aldulea

keywords: neuroblastoma, cervical mass, adenopathy…………………………………………






Istoria medicinei




Queen Mary of Romania, nurse in World War 1: Two novel press photographs

autor: Liliana David, Irina Dora Măgurean, Liliana Rogozea, Dan L. Dumitrascu

keywords: medicine of war, nursing, Queen Mary, royalty, World War I …………………





