Collection of old, rare and bibliophilic book



II.20172 HARTIG, Georg Ludwig

Lehrbuch fur Forster und die es Werden Wollen / Georg Ludwig Hartig. - Wien : Rotzl und Koulfuss, 1809 . - 712p., ; 19cm        Scriere gotica in limba germana


This is one of the oldest silviculture textbooks within the collection of Transilvania University Library from Braşov. It was issued in Vienna, during 1809, at the printing house Gotta’schen Buchhandlung; the author, Georg Ludwig Hartig (1764-1837), being a renowned German silviculturist, director of the Institute of Forest Education from Stuttgart and chief inspector of the forests herein during 1805-1811.

The book was acquired by our library through purchase from the antique store, on May 28, 1988, at the price of 150 old lei.

Lehrbuch für Foerster und die es werden wollen (Manualul silvicultorului şi al celor care doresc să devină [silvicultori]) (Textbook of the Silviculturist and of Those Wishing to Become [Silviculturists]) has the following table of contents:

Vorerrinerung (Foreword) – p.III-X

Inhalt (Contents) – p.XI-XXIII

Druckfehler (Errata) – p.XXIV

Einleitung (Introduction) – p.1-6

I.        Von den einem Förster nothigen Vorbereitungs und Hülfs Wissenschaften - p.7-200

II.     Von der Forstwissenschaft und ihren Theilen insbesondere - p.201-494

III.   Von der Forsttaration - p.495-525

IV.  Von der Forstbenutzung - p.526-712

Beilagen (Appendices)


In the foreword, the author outlines a good silviculturist’s profile, portraying the main features he should have. Reference is made to:

  1. Physical constitution. A silviculturist must be tall, robust, must have good physical condition, because this profession is physically demanding.

  2. Moral character. He ought to be a moral and laborious man, devoted to his profession. Unethical people should not be allowed to practice this job, as it involves great responsibility.

  3. Temperament. He should not be slow, he ought to have presence of mind, he should be balanced, serene, young; he need have appetite for work and inclination for silviculture, as well as the desire to further study in this field.

  4. Aptitudes. He ought to show interest and to have an aptitude for this profession, to become a silviculturist on his own initiative, not on the advice of his parents or of other persons.

  5. Professional training. He must be able to read and write, and also to draw up a report. Along with arithmetic (to count both with whole and decimal numbers), he must also have geometry and topometry knowledge (for the correct surface assessment), and on nature (wood species, plant and animal species). To have knowledge on the types of soils and to know in what soil and under what conditions, the tree species optimally grow, how the forestation is achieved, how the wood is assessed, how transactions are made.

The book was structured in four main parts, subdivided in chapters and subchapters.

The first part refers to the necessary training and knowledge a silviculturist must have. Along with the mathematic and environmental knowledge, a silviculturist need attend a specialized school. It includes two subchapters that describe the two great tree categories, the deciduous and the coniferous, with the afferent species, both scientifically and popularly denominated.

The second part - entitled “Despre silvicultură şi părţile ei componente (On Silviculture and Its Constituent Parts)” – exposes information on wood culture, its natural and artificial growth, the forestation with seedlings, the forest maintenance; likewise, it evokes procedures practiced throughout other countries.

The third part specifies wood-assessment elements, both individually, for each tree trunk, and for the overall forest batch, depending on age, dimensions, etc.  

The fourth part is dedicated to wood harvesting and utilisation. The year’s most adequate period for harvesting, the forest product diversity, the wood utilization as raw material in various fields, the wood transportation are themes covered by this last part of the textbook.

At the end of the book, the author placed instructions for the builders in wood and for silviculturists, along with a silviculturist’s calendar; and in the appendix - 8 tables useful for the work in the forest field (spreadsheets, tables showing the climate and soil conditions that wood species need etc.).

The textbook underwent several reprints, the sixth edition (1820), being partially digitized by Google. This one may be accessed at the web address: